From start to finish with each school year, there are discernable patterns that occur as the school year progresses. Campuses have different personalities (see Matt Herman’s
“Me Pioneer, No Way,”) and students differ often determined by the personality, expectations, and location of the campus. Understanding and adapting to the rhythms in campus ministry will ensure a flow in the work of ministry, and maximize how time and energy and resources are allocated for the entire year.
The fall of the year is a period of assimilation during which we will reach many new students through back-to-school events and welcome week. In fact, the one week before the fall term begins as students return to campus and move in, and the following couple of weeks of school are the most important ministry weeks of the year for connecting with new, transfer and returning students. This is the best time to introduce your group to the campus at every venue given to student organizations, by sponsoring social events, starting your weekly worship gathering, recruiting for small groups, and announcing your retreat. All this gets underway and occurs before Thanksgiving break.

By the first Fall break, you need to be advertising your regional SALT conference and get as many students to attend as possible. SALT provides students a larger picture of XA with students from other campuses and states, and equips students for effective ministry on campus.

Southeast SALT Northeast SALT Great Lakes SALT Great Plains North SALT Great Plains South SALT West Coast SALT Pacific Northwest Winter Camp | January 2–5, 2022 January 7–9, 2022 January 14–17, 2022 January 14–17, 2022 January 14–17, 2022 January 14–17, 2022 February 4–6, 2022 | Atlanta Philadelphia Lombard Lake Geneva Omaha Santa Cruz Stanwood | Georgia Pennsylvania Illinois Michigan Nebraska California Washington |

Like the Fall, the start of Spring semester or Winter quarter is another opportunity for connecting with new students and transfer students. Don’t miss this opportunity. This is another vital assimilation time.
You are still meeting new students after the holiday break, but now with discipleship groups well underway and strengthened you can plug students into existing small groups and start new small groups, and begin leadership classes. This is a time of consolidation and solidifying the ministry. Becoming a biblical “community” of collegiate believers on campus becomes visible. When we gather as students, we put on display what it means to be people of God. We worship God, pray together, rejoice with one another’s company, teach and study the Word of God, and tell others about Jesus Christ.
The Spring semester or quarter is the time for mobilization. Campus outreach, Spring Break campus-to-campus ministry evangelistic teams, and missions and social concern projects come into focus. Multiple opportunities to get students engaged are at hand. Discipleship groups and leadership training continue. Plans will get underway for the next school year. New student leadership are selected during this time. Graduating students will be commissioned and encouraged to join the national alumni association.
In every phase, assimilation, consolidation and mobilization, precise advanced planning and prayer are essential.