The Final Word—June 2022 ends the Dennis Gaylor website. I began the website one year ago when I published my book, Growing a Student Movement, in order to introduce it along with marketing the book and continuing to tell the XA story. The website included a blog, a XA story, news, photographs, a quote, and a resource.  I hope you found each issue interesting and informative.

Thank you, former National Director, Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, USA, 1979-2013

At the beginning of the 21st century, Chi Alpha Campus Ministries USA is a major national student movement communicating the love of Jesus Christ and the good news of the gospel to thousands of students each year who matriculate through college. Chi Alpha students actively participate in campus ministry both stateside and abroad. Fifteen hundred campus missionary staff and volunteers serve 20,000 students on 300 campuses nationwide.  Sister campus ministries are active in seventy-five nations.

Dennis Gaylor writes Growing a Student Movement, The Development of Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, 1940–2020 after having served as the national director of Chi Alpha Campus Ministries USA from 1979–2013. This 674-page comprehensive overview illustrates the profound influence of Chi Alpha in the church and world today.   Read More Preview First Pages

Find, Feed, and Fight for the Lost Lambs of God


by D. Alexander Rodriguez The command of Jesus is to make disciples of all people within all places at all times.  Jesus did this by investing in a few to reach the many. This is why we must spend more time crafting the people in our small groups than crafting the program of our large groups. To invest in the few is to reach […]

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XA Spring Break Outreaches


More than 100 campuses and 225 students participated in XA Spring Breaks Nationwide Most Spring Break student missions teams were stateside campus to campus ministries and service and compassion outreaches, and a few were international teams. Domestic Teams Nicholls State sent teams to Arkansas Tech, and 3 campuses in Texas: Texas A&M, Sam Houston State U, and Texas Tech.  New Mexico State […]

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Oh the Places You Will Go


Ordained XA Females  – Part 3 For the third time, I highlight twelve females in XA that recently were ordained. These are who I discovered. I know there are more. It is exciting to see the increased number of our XA females earning ordination ministerial credentials with AG— “Oh, the places you’ll go!” This adds to their credibility and quality in ministry. […]

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Building a College Movement


It takes a long time to build a college movement, 3-5 years to get going, 10-12 years to become established. We need leaders who will choose to invest in a college campus . . . Who will labor on college campuses for the next 10 to 20 to 30 years? The question I ask myself: Is this the best stewardship of my […]

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Leaving a Legacy


Congratulations Western Washington University XA operating for 50 consecutive years (1972-2022) I challenge all XA leaders to record the XA story on your campus. You have a story to tell to future generations. Designate a person each school year to be the XA historian who compiles a written history of your XA. Include names and lists of students and staff involved, and […]

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